The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (2024)

(23 pages)

If 2023 was the year the world discovered generative AI (gen AI), 2024 is the year organizations truly began using—and deriving business value from—this new technology. In the latest McKinsey Global Surveyon AI, 65 percent of respondents report that their organizations are regularly using gen AI, nearly double the percentage from our previous survey just ten months ago. Respondents’ expectations for gen AI’s impact remain as high as they were last year, with three-quarters predicting that gen AI will lead to significant or disruptive change in their industries in the years ahead.

About the authors

This article is a collaborative effort by Alex Singla, Alexander Sukharevsky, Lareina Yee, and Michael Chui, with Bryce Hall, representing views from QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, and McKinsey Digital.

Organizations are already seeing material benefits from gen AI use, reporting both cost decreases and revenue jumps in the business units deploying the technology. The survey also provides insights into the kinds of risks presented by gen AI—most notably, inaccuracy—as well as the emerging practices of top performers to mitigate those challenges and capture value.

AI adoption surges

Interest in generative AI has also brightened the spotlight on a broader set of AI capabilities. For the past six years, AI adoption by respondents’ organizations has hovered at about 50 percent. This year, the survey finds that adoption has jumped to 72 percent (Exhibit 1). And the interest is truly global in scope. Our 2023 survey found that AI adoption did not reach 66 percent in any region; however, this year more than two-thirds of respondents in nearly every region say their organizations are using AI.1Organizations based in Central and South America are the exception, with 58 percent of respondents working for organizations based in Central and South America reporting AI adoption. Looking by industry, the biggest increase in adoption can be found in professional services.2Includes respondents working for organizations focused on human resources, legal services, management consulting, market research, R&D, tax preparation, and training.


The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (1)

Also, responses suggest that companies are now using AI in more parts of the business. Half of respondents say their organizations have adopted AI in two or more business functions, up from less than a third of respondents in 2023 (Exhibit 2).

Gen AI adoption is most common in the functions where it can create the most value

Most respondents now report that their organizations—and they as individuals—are using gen AI. Sixty-five percent of respondents say their organizations are regularly using gen AI in at least one business function, up from one-third last year. The average organization using gen AI is doing so in two functions, most often in marketing and sales and in product and service development—two functions in which previous researchdetermined that gen AI adoption could generate the most value3“The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier,” McKinsey, June 14, 2023.—as well as in IT (Exhibit 3). The biggest increase from 2023 is found in marketing and sales, where reported adoption has more than doubled. Yet across functions, only two use cases, both within marketing and sales, are reported by 15 percent or more of respondents.


The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (3)

Gen AI also is weaving its way into respondents’ personal lives. Compared with 2023, respondents are much more likely to be using gen AI at work and even more likely to be using gen AI both at work and in their personal lives (Exhibit 4). The survey finds upticks in gen AI use across all regions, with the largest increases in Asia–Pacific and Greater China. Respondents at the highest seniority levels, meanwhile, show larger jumps in the use of gen Al tools for work and outside of work compared with their midlevel-management peers. Looking at specific industries, respondents working in energy and materials and in professional services report the largest increase in gen AI use.

Investments in gen AI and analytical AI are beginning to create value

The latest survey also shows how different industries are budgeting for gen AI. Responses suggest that, in many industries, organizations are about equally as likely to be investing more than 5 percent of their digital budgets in gen AI as they are in nongenerative, analytical-AI solutions (Exhibit 5). Yet in most industries, larger shares of respondents report that their organizations spend more than 20 percent on analytical AI than on gen AI. Looking ahead, most respondents—67 percent—expect their organizations to invest more in AI over the next three years.

Where are those investments paying off? For the first time, our latest survey explored the value created by gen AI use by business function. The function in which the largest share of respondents report seeing cost decreases is human resources. Respondents most commonly report meaningful revenue increases (of more than 5 percent) in supply chain and inventory management (Exhibit 6). For analytical AI, respondents most often report seeing cost benefits in service operations—in line with what we found last year—as well as meaningful revenue increases from AI use in marketing and sales.

Inaccuracy: The most recognized and experienced risk of gen AI use

As businesses begin to see the benefits of gen AI, they’re also recognizing the diverse risks associated with the technology. These can range from data management risks such as data privacy, bias, or intellectual property (IP) infringement to model management risks, which tend to focus on inaccurate output or lack of explainability. A third big risk category is security and incorrect use.

Respondents to the latest survey are more likely than they were last year to say their organizations consider inaccuracy and IP infringement to be relevant to their use of gen AI, and about half continue to view cybersecurity as a risk (Exhibit 7).

Conversely, respondents are less likely than they were last year to say their organizations consider workforce and labor displacement to be relevant risks and are not increasing efforts to mitigate them.

In fact, inaccuracy—which can affect use cases across the gen AI value chain, ranging from customer journeys and summarization to coding and creative content—is the only risk that respondents are significantly more likely than last year to say their organizations are actively working to mitigate.

Exhibit 7

The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (4)
The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (5)
The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (6)

Some organizations have already experienced negative consequences from the use of gen AI, with 44 percent of respondents saying their organizations have experienced at least one consequence (Exhibit 8). Respondents most often report inaccuracy as a risk that has affected their organizations, followed by cybersecurity and explainability.


The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (7)

Our previous research has found that there are several elements of governance that can help in scaling gen AI use responsibly, yet few respondents report having these risk-related practices in place.4“Implementing generative AI with speed and safety,” McKinsey Quarterly, March 13, 2024. For example, just 18 percent say their organizations have an enterprise-wide council or board with the authority to make decisions involving responsible AI governance, and only one-third say gen AI risk awareness and risk mitigation controls are required skill sets for technical talent.

Bringing gen AI capabilities to bear

The latest survey also sought to understand how, and how quickly, organizations are deploying these new gen AI tools. We have found three archetypes for implementing gen AI solutions: takers use off-the-shelf, publicly available solutions; shapers customize those tools with proprietary data and systems; and makers develop their own foundation models from scratch.5“Technology’s generational moment with generative AI: A CIO and CTO guide,” McKinsey, July 11, 2023. Across most industries, the survey results suggest that organizations are finding off-the-shelf offerings applicable to their business needs—though many are pursuing opportunities to customize models or even develop their own (Exhibit 9). About half of reported gen AI uses within respondents’ business functions are utilizing off-the-shelf, publicly available models or tools, with little or no customization. Respondents in energy and materials, technology, and media and telecommunications are more likely to report significant customization or tuning of publicly available models or developing their own proprietary models to address specific business needs.


The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (8)

Respondents most often report that their organizations required one to four months from the start of a project to put gen AI into production, though the time it takes varies by business function (Exhibit 10). It also depends upon the approach for acquiring those capabilities. Not surprisingly, reported uses of highly customized or proprietary models are 1.5 times more likely than off-the-shelf, publicly available models to take five months or more to implement.


The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (9)

Gen AI high performers are excelling despite facing challenges

Gen AI is a new technology, and organizations are still early in the journey of pursuing its opportunities and scaling it across functions. So it’s little surprise that only a small subset of respondents (46 out of 876) report that a meaningful share of their organizations’ EBIT can be attributed to their deployment of gen AI. Still, these gen AI leaders are worth examining closely. These, after all, are the early movers, who already attribute more than 10 percent of their organizations’ EBIT to their use of gen AI. Forty-two percent of these high performers say more than 20 percent of their EBIT is attributable to their use of nongenerative, analytical AI, and they span industries and regions—though most are at organizations with less than $1 billion in annual revenue. The AI-related practices at these organizations can offer guidance to those looking to create value from gen AI adoption at their own organizations.

To start, gen AI high performers are using gen AI in more business functions—an average of three functions, while others average two. They, like other organizations, are most likely to use gen AI in marketing and sales and product or service development, but they’re much more likely than others to use gen AI solutions in risk, legal, and compliance; in strategy and corporate finance; and in supply chain and inventory management. They’re more than three times as likely as others to be using gen AI in activities ranging from processing of accounting documents and risk assessment to R&D testing and pricing and promotions. While, overall, about half of reported gen AI applications within business functions are utilizing publicly available models or tools, gen AI high performers are less likely to use those off-the-shelf options than to either implement significantly customized versions of those tools or to develop their own proprietary foundation models.

What else are these high performers doing differently? For one thing, they are paying more attention to gen-AI-related risks. Perhaps because they are further along on their journeys, they are more likely than others to say their organizations have experienced every negative consequence from gen AI we asked about, from cybersecurity and personal privacy to explainability and IP infringement. Given that, they are more likely than others to report that their organizations consider those risks, as well as regulatory compliance, environmental impacts, and political stability, to be relevant to their gen AI use, and they say they take steps to mitigate more risks than others do.

Gen AI high performers are also much more likely to say their organizations follow a set of risk-related best practices (Exhibit 11). For example, they are nearly twice as likely as others to involve the legal function and embed risk reviews early on in the development of gen AI solutions—that is, to “shift left.” They’re also much more likely than others to employ a wide range of other best practices, from strategy-related practices to those related to scaling.

In addition to experiencing the risks of gen AI adoption, high performers have encountered other challenges that can serve as warnings to others (Exhibit 12). Seventy percent say they have experienced difficulties with data, including defining processes for data governance, developing the ability to quickly integrate data into AI models, and an insufficient amount of training data, highlighting the essential role that data play in capturing value. High performers are also more likely than others to report experiencing challenges with their operating models, such as implementing agile ways of working and effective sprint performance management.


The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (10)

About the research

The online survey was in the field from February 22 to March 5, 2024, and garnered responses from 1,363 participants representing the full range of regions, industries, company sizes, functional specialties, and tenures. Of those respondents, 981 said their organizations had adopted AI in at least one business function, and 878 said their organizations were regularly using gen AI in at least one function. To adjust for differences in response rates, the data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent’s nation to global GDP.

Alex Singla and Alexander Sukharevskyare global coleaders of QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, and senior partners in McKinsey’s Chicago and London offices, respectively; Lareina Yeeis a senior partner in the Bay Area office, where Michael Chui, a McKinsey Global Institute partner, is a partner; and Bryce Hallis an associate partner in the Washington, DC, office.

They wish to thank Kaitlin Noe, Larry Kanter, Mallika Jhamb, and Shinjini Srivastava for their contributions to this work.

This article was edited by Heather Hanselman, a senior editor in McKinsey’s Atlanta office.

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The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value (2024)


The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value? ›

The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value. As generative AI adoption accelerates, survey respondents report measurable benefits and increased mitigation of the risk of inaccuracy. A small group of high performers lead the way.

What is the rise of generative AI? ›

Generative AI is rapidly transforming content creation and industries. Future advancements include models seamlessly handling complex data types (text, audio, video). Explainable AI (XAI) will increase trust and adoption with its transparency.

How much will globally spend on AI in 2024? ›

The market for artificial intelligence grew beyond 184 billion U.S. dollars in 2024, a considerable jump of nearly 50 billion compared to 2023.

Why AI in 2024? ›

The integration of AI and robotics, a process evolving over decades, is now poised to reach unprecedented heights in 2024. This year may mark a significant milestone as robots transition into ubiquitous fixtures in daily life, delivering value across various functions.

What is the expected value add of AI in the next decade? ›

According to PwC, AI is projected to contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, with $6.6 trillion from increased productivity and $9.1 trillion from consumption-side effects.

What is the main goal of generative AI? ›

Generative AI enables users to quickly generate new content based on a variety of inputs. Inputs and outputs to these models can include text, images, sounds, animation, 3D models, or other types of data.

What are the negative effects of generative AI? ›

Other risks around generative AI include perpetuating or even amplifying societal biases that may be present in the data used to train the tool or the possibility that the technology could generate sensitive information, such as personal data, that could be used for identity theft or invade privacy.

Will AI replace us in the future? ›

Is AI replacing the role of humans? AI can't completely replace humans and is more likely to augment many existing roles. It can change the nature of certain jobs by automating repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more challenging problems.

What jobs will AI replace by 2030? ›

At a glance, here are the jobs at risk of being replaced by 2030:
  • Transportation and Warehousing. ...
  • Food Service and Retail. ...
  • Office and Admin Support Roles. ...
  • Sales and Marketing. ...
  • Healthcare and Social Assistance Roles. ...
  • Design and Visual Arts. ...
  • Healthcare Professionals. ...
  • Education Professionals.
Mar 15, 2024

How powerful will AI be in 2030? ›

By 2030, AI will be unfathomably more powerful than humans in ways that will transform our world. It will also continue to lag human capabilities in other ways.

What is the state of generative AI in 2024? ›

In 2024, generative AI (gen AI) is no longer a novelty. Nearly two-thirds of respondents to our survey report that their organizations are regularly using gen AI, nearly double what our previous survey found just ten months ago, and four in ten are using gen AI in more than two business functions.

What is the impact of artificial intelligence in 2024 and beyond? ›

A Forrester projection indicates that while generative AI may result in the loss of 1.5% or 2.4 million U.S. jobs by 2030, it is expected to affect or transform a much larger portion of 6.9% or 11.08 million jobs. This suggests a trend towards job augmentation rather than outright replacement.

What is the state of AI report 2024? ›


It's clear that on an individual level, AI has a meaningful impact on the way people work, whether that's IC developers, product teams, or senior leadership. It's also clear that businesses are still figuring out how to make the most impactful use of the evolving tech.

Is AI helping or hurting society? ›

Artificial intelligence can dramatically improve the efficiencies of our workplaces and can augment the work humans can do. When AI takes over repetitive or dangerous tasks, it frees up the human workforce to do work they are better equipped for—tasks that involve creativity and empathy among others.

Will artificial intelligence override human intelligence? ›

While AI can process vast amounts of data and identify patterns that humans may miss, it cannot replace the value of human intuition and creativity in decision-making. It's important to understand that AI isn't a replacement for human intelligence.

How does AI affect human life? ›

AI-powered technologies such as natural language processing, image and audio recognition, and computer vision have revolutionized the way we interact with and consume media. With AI, we are able to process and analyze vast amounts of data quickly, making it easier to find and access the information we need.

Why is generative AI so popular? ›

At the heart of Generative AI lies powerful neural networks, particularly those using architectures like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). These models are trained on massive datasets, enabling them to understand patterns and generate content that closely mimics human creativity.

When did generative AI become popular? ›

Generative AI was introduced in the 1960s in chatbots. But it was not until 2014, with the introduction of generative adversarial networks, or GANs -- a type of machine learning algorithm -- that generative AI could create convincingly authentic images, videos and audio of real people.

What is the advancement of generative AI? ›

“Generative AI is already improving the productivity and quality of many tasks, and the technology is beginning to be used to redesign multi-step, multi-group processes, making them faster and less labor-intensive,” McAfee writes.

Why has generative AI taken off so quickly? ›

Why has generative AI taken off so quickly? Productivity boosts that nearly double previous increases are driving genAI's rapid growth. Functioning as a co-pilot for hyper-automation and hyper-creation, the technology allows people to save time on a variety of tasks.

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