-THE EU.MOMOX JOl R.VAL, KATIBBAV. fcLPTEMBLR 15, 1951. iwtstv-mi MALE HELP WANTED (Cont'd) ifountal Want khz PHONE 29331 tram 100 r. 10:00 p.m. (SATURDAYS t.
7:00 p.m. PERSONAL (Cont'd) LEAVING for Winnipeg September! CLERK -TYPIST. For riwonnel room 3 pasM-ngers. Ph. 28835.
i flee ol Etimonton firm. This MALE HELPW ANTED (Cont'd) TAXI driver, steady work. Apply Norwood Taxi, 9302 111 Ave. WANTED experienced spray painter and painter. Ph.
JU272. ESTABLISHED wholesaler requires young man to operate bookkeeping macnine. Apply stating age. experience If any. and salary expected.
Box 231 Journal. WANTED: Truck driver for grain hauling. New equipment. State wage expected. Box 915 Journal.
MESSENGER boy wonted. Opportunity to learn trade. Apply Imperial Optical 333 Teller Building IP YOU are dissatisfied with "your present position and earning and would Hire to breac Into the life insurance field ln this city or outlying dUtrict. a nationally known company oilers an opportunity to several earnest men between 26 and 44. Our plan includes a salary, advances, commissions.
bonuses group life and hospitalization insurance and pension plan. Sales oacg-ground would be helpful although it Is not essential. Should poess a pleasing sno aggressive persons. ity. MALE HELP WANTED (Cont'd) PLASTERERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Only fully experienced men need apply.
Appiy Sullivan and Stewart. Ph. 72688 or 30440. WANTED afternoon and evenings, mechanic and service Tian for heavy oil field trucking garage. Top wag tojrlght man.
Ph. MacLeod at 36235. THE RIGHT START Join the Air Force and get the right start on a good career. If vou are between the ages of 17 and 39 with grade eight education or better, and in good health there are fine opportunities ln all the technical trades branches of the expanding Air Force Including Aero-Engine Radio -Radar Airframe Instrument Armament Supply. The A F.
is giving thousands of young men valuable training as skilled technicians In the lie.d of modern aviation. Act now. Consult the career counsellor at the addreFi indicated below or forward th coupon. You'll be under no obligation. The Air tore Reeniitin unit is open daily except Sunday, and everv Tuesday and Tiiurtoar evenina from 7 m.
to 10 m. C.A P. Recruiting Unit. 9M1 101A Edmonton. Pleare fend me without oblieation full nart'c' about opportunities ln the R.C.AF.
Name Add. AGE Last grade completed at school WANTEP: Young man 16 to 18 yesrs. gra 9 or better as helper, w.th excellent opportunity to learn machicis. trade. Apply ln own writinc Box 2C7 Journal.
WANTED: Machinist, top wazes to right prty.8639112 Ave.Ph.71573. YOUNG mat: as helper on truck. Apply Poderskv Ltd. Jasper Ave. WANTEI' FIRST CLASS Sheet Metal Workers For large wel equipped union shop.
Insurance and rick benefits. Coffee BitlGHT yo ing man. preferablv, Just out of hiKh achooi, for shipping' department ano janitor work. Applv In person Arcade Ltd. 10032 Jaaper Ave.
i WANTED IMMEDIATELY Apply giving full particulars to Box 1866 Journal. LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING Experienced Foreman 7n nn week -nh au per week with oonua commen- surate with resul's House avaiiaoie near future. Box 1859 Journal. -ci7iAi tpnti M. dealership Field Motors.
Ponoka. Alierta PARTS-MAN Voung. intelligent man wanted for parLs dept Stan Reynolds Auto gales. Wetaskiwia. Wanted Immediately i Qualified Journeyman Plasterers Steadv work Apolv in person.
Strowger and McMahon Pla tr.r.e Co. Ltd Corner 90 St. 95 Ave Ph 3iO307 days, evenings. and 2:678. 1 SEISMOGRAPH Require Immediately observers and I computors.
Salary commensurate with experience. Apply lrotGA 124 St. MECHANIC a Preferably slnu'e for seismic "brush" crew. Must have own tools. Good aalarv.
Address application to: Supervisor Western Geophrstcal Companv. Peace River, stating' full particulars a to experience, marital status, saiarv ex pected, address, telephone number and cnaracter reierences. 2 SECOND class steam engineers wanted. als' 2 locomotive engineers. Must hold Alberta certificates.
Season work for approximately 3 montns. Please file application, on or September 15. with Mr. J. R.
Humphreys, superintendent. Cana-ilan Su.ar Factories. Picture Butte. Alberta. WANTED: Caretaker for community ball ln city.
$150 per month. consiner part-time emplovment. AP- plication will be rpm'r al'sox It received until September 21. Box 160 Journal. Canard KAo, kJA i I I I FEMALE HELP WANTED (Cont'J) Doaitlon oilers excellent opportuni ties, salary, hours, and employment benefits.
App.v In own handwriting toBoxC4. Journal. STENOGRAPHER for Edmonton branch of large Canadian Co. New oftlce. convenient to bus service.
Shorthand essential, experienced applicants will be given preference, o-day week with aatia- writing staling ae and experience. Box 218 Journal. RELIABLE girl or womsn for general housework. Bungalow. 101 i2 117 St.
Ph. 83874. DICTAPHONE operator with and clerk stenographer for genera! office duties. For appointment Ph. Canadian estlnghouse 29341.
COUNTER girl- for coffee shop. Apply afternons, Kingsway Cabins. 11311 Kinirsway. GIRL to help with eneral housework. Ph.
6223. WOMAN or man between 25 and 35 with general Insurance experience. Must be able to figure automobile and fire rales and type. We will pay a real good salary lor one capable, pply stating experience and salary expectedBox 310. Red Deer.
Alberta. FARM housekeeper. 1 man. No outside work. Good cook.
Ph. 972-6613. Mrs. Dunn. R.R.
7. Edmonton. WANTED, reliable girl or woman for RUGS, chesterfields cleaned, fibre re-enilvened refreshed. Prompt service. Ph.75746.
MENDING and Invisible mending. Ste. 2. jasper Ave. BIRCH FUMIGATORS Controls sll Insects, mice and weeds.
Material available. 10540 101 St Ph. ijOa MADAME Fontaine give advice at 433K2.ith Vancouver. B.C NU BONE CORSETS Ph 24256 10538 Jai-per Ave Sle MADAME Gertrude I MS fescuD reader 1JL-08-103 Ave Ph 8SS70 FOB eipert advice on all Insurance proniems rouuc a- i as fiww b(i2g HELPFUL AUNTS BUREAU Sitters, housekeepers, and child home. Ironers.
shopper, catering sU Ph 7655a MADAM Christina Clairvoyaut reader 9864 81 Ave Ph 1112 a.m. MASSAGE for nervousness Insomnia rheumatism Ph 2634J WHY Repaint and Repaint to Cover Ugly Piaster Clacks! Cure tne CAUSE once and for all with Vaoar Vaour Barrier Paper Grade 104 or UO Apply aith Wallpaper past Ask Tour Dealer RECONDITION vour hair and free scalp from dandruff one treatment, Paul Pierre Salon. Ph 23581. or Paul Pierre South bids Salon. Ph 87484 for appointments KNOW1.
E.S JEWeLLLKY LTD. 10180 Jasper Ave Ph J1451 Learn To Drive EDMONTON DRJVINQ SCHOOL LTD 10823 101 St. Ph 41811 -74498 LONDON TAILORS 10028 Jasper Ave Ph 26218 TRAVEL (9 DRIVING Toronto via Chicago. Sept. 25.
late model car. room for 2 or 3. Box 928 Journal. GENTLEMAN," experienced driver. Sfv y)ri; vjCIlltv ln September.
Box non-drinker. deires trans ponaiion Hug Journal. VETERAN will" share expenses with someone dilvlnr to Toronto. Apply general housekeeping. All convent- perlence.
give reiertnces. poi-enees Nice room. Good wages. Family. Hon open now.
fare paid here after 6 of 3 Ph 35246 I month. Salary 1125 to start. H. EXPERIENCtUbookkeeperrsome S'- Jba' h- tvpin-experience preferred. Excellent INVOICE clerk wanted, must be working conditions.
Appir ln writing ood typist. Box 822 Journal. 10 Hood Lw i MAKE EXTRA MONEY Help beat the rising coat of living. EXPERIENCE! stenographer with you can earn extra caJi easily In your some experience pre- ipare tlme. Take orders for Friendly lerred.
Ex-ellent working conditions, chrmtmas Cards from your friends. Apply In writi-ip with confidence to neighbors relatives. Finest personal Hood Motors Ltd. 1084985 Ave. samples supplied free.
Complete Box WANTED: gl'l for housework, in assortments. No experience necessary, exchange loom and board and reason-! Represent a reliable companv. able salan. Ph. 86164 wanted everywhere.
Start now. Write ror targe interior B.C. sawmill near st rom Smiore. a ourjils In 5 ir. Prince George Very aitr ictive pro- Boarding house Bonus of $100 over position for right man with full knowledge both losging and sawmill i New Hill: 10 miles south from Hes-operatlons and sbilitv to a--xume full pere.
Alwut 24 nuctls TearheraEe. control. Contact Alberta Hepreoenia-i Salarv schedule from $1500 to 3 -live 700 Aonly bv l.ttr ettinr quejifl- Hetherington Lumber Ltd lemons 10 Jack Sironnch. Rocky Mtn. 321 Kitchen Edmonton House or phone 12 collect.
phori 1551 I TWO" teachers rsnt-rt bv'the Pon- MALE cook anted eble to Lake I ok i School Division i for tha Ho pU.r ZlZln also household I llk. transnorta- I persons! Interview required. would like transporta- 254.1 Ward retarv. hall Re FEMALE HELP WANTED (Cent) MATURE woman for city home. Three In family.
75 per month. Live In. Apply Box 107 Journal. WOMAN for full time housework. Sleep In.
German or English apeak-lng. Apply 11818 95 6t. 75 MONTHLY, experienced girl for general housework. Ph. 82166.
Apply 79 St. George's Crescent. STENOGRAPHER With shorthand. Must be experienced. HAYWARD'S LUMBER CO.
LTD. LADIES wanted to knit garments. Box 173 Journal. matron nd 2 R.N. 'a required for Tnbra Prelate Union Salary Ma'ron 8200 per mon-h arid full maintenance.
Bonus of 00 and salary lncr' aiwr year's service. N. salarv 8165 per mouth and f'i'l maintenance. 8 weel.s holiday with pav. cany train service.
If lm -reti apply to A. J. Hamniel, Prelate. WANTED experienced silk pressers. Apply JjUDeriorjCleaneM.
11071 95 St Experienced Waitress Golden Spike Restaurant 10251 Jasper Ave. EXPERIENCED fur finisher wanted. Applv Edmonton furriers, 1(624 JasoerAve. 'RELIABLE middle aged woman, housework. Relerence.
fcltej) ln. Ph. 82756. EXPERIENCED stenographer for general ofiic work. Shorthand fiec-eLsarv.
Apply David Kline. 10117 Jasoer Ave. EXPERIENCED waitreeaes wanted" 1 full time, 1 part time. Johnsons Cafe. DRUG store clerk girl, some ex- c.reeunrs Company, Portage I at ciratncona.
Winnipeg. MALE HELP WANTED (11) WANTED reliable party with D4 or TD9 and blade to mak- bush road and repair existing road. On com Potion of road work to long "f1? hul Good ground, no rock. Approximately mues roaa ana il minion vinioer, Glve road tnd or lkld. rt)n.
rfitart now. PeDlv to Smokv River Lumber Co, High prairte, Ai- berta. NATIONALLY known manufacturer of paper, cellophane and glasslne product opening distribution centre ln Edmonton, requires representative or agency. Apply Box 1506 Journal. W'ANEDTuitable men for Immediate emplovment on Duckbill and Jov Loader crews.
Apply Red Deer Valley Coal Co. Ltd. Box 20, Drumheller, or Mine Office. Nacmine. WANTED Immediately young men for seed plant.
Box 237 Journal. SOMEONE to contract building house. Materials supplied. Box 241 TAXI driver. Full or part tirr.e.We will train vou.
ApDlv between 2-7 p.m.. Aero Taxi. 11048 JOl St. WANTED, licensed motor mechanic. Preferablv with acetylene weld-Ins papers.
Good working conditions. 4-room house available. Imperial Farm Service. Bowden ADD-tcTvourlncome. Sell Watklns Products in your spare time.
Apply 10586 101 St. WANTED, construction laborers or rough carpenters for work ln country points. Must be able to stand height, Apply Ste. 1 10238 109 10 a.m.- 3 p.m.. sunaay, oepiemoer u.
TAXI driver wanted, experienced preferred but not essential. Safety bonus and good remuneration to right man. Apply ln person. Saturday after 7. all Sunday.
12726 Fort Road. BAR stools, chrome base with leatherette se-ts, backs. 3 only, sacrifice. 88 each. Ph.
37196. PIPELINE LABORERS PlSgott Construction Alberta Ltd. Ph. 22694. evenings 85824-390344.
WANTED" 12 LABORERS Watermain construction, cltv work. ApplyGeorge McLeod. Ph. 33543. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY For agereaslve salesman of proven abilltv in large International organization.
Expansion ln Alberta gives excellent opportunity for promotion to Territorial Management. Must have good car and no travel restrictions Place of residence Immaterial provided It Is located ln above territory Do not applv unless vou are ambttiou and a proven successful salesman of character and capable of earning large Income ln specialty selling on commission basis. Imple ment ano allied outlets are a lew 01 the nrincinpl dealers for the product. a TTfiVr dicate ae marital status and com- nlete business historv. Apply Imme- diatelv to Box 18i3 'Journal.
Career In Oil and Real Estate For experienced man 30 to 45 years of age witv, a grd car and residential phone. Energetic men earn from 87.000 to 810.000 and up yearly. Every assistance and a better than average contract given to person selected, on us srstem. For appointment nh. Mr.
Bleller Ev-s. 87197. 523 Tegler Building, Ph. "GRAVEL TRUCKS WANTED Running 2 shifts. 4 months work.
Ph. 42974 or 23058. Wanted Immediately General laborers and plasterers' helpets. To wages, sieadv work. AdoIv in person.
R. Strowger and McMahon Plnsterin Co. Ltd. Corner 90 St. 95 Av.
Ph. 390307 days, eve-nlnts 390534. and 29678. Wanted Immediately Qualified Journeyman PLASTERERS Steadv work. Apply ln person.
R. Stroweer and McMahon Plastering Co. Ltd. Corner 90 St. 95 Ave.
Ph. 390307 davs. evenines 390534 and 29678. TINSMITHS WANTED" Alberta Sheet Metal 11331 81 St. Ph.
74819. MECHANIC with diesel experience, able to Instruct. Falarv. nension plan group Insurance. Box 230 Journal.
AMBITIOUS voung man willing to learn good trade Including welding. Annlv 10565 114 St. 2 SALESGIRLS wanted Imme- fltel" Ann Fiy Ofl2 Journal Auplv Eox 902 Journal. wanted Immediately, good salary. Commercial Cafe 10333 82 Ave.
HOUSE mothei. and residence iee- for Y.W.CJV. it RELIAELE girl for housework and oklng. In mi home. Adults.
Ph. cool, 82012 LABORATORY technician, experienced, for clinical laboratory. Personal application preferred. 307 Birk Bmldine. TUITION, board and room la ei change for domestic servicer for business college sl'id nt attending days.
Ph. 36034. ROOM and board for school girl in exchange for light duties Ph. 75941. 12302 SI St.
EXPERIENCED Good home, good jvages. Ph. 82412. EXPERIENCED waitress-wanted. Ye Olde English Fish and Chip Shop.
10316 Jasper Ave. WANTED: Experienced Ukrainian woman lor housework. Part lime. Ph. 31976.
X.P'E'R I stenographers tvmst part-time day work. Ph. 41455. HIGH school girl to assist-with" housework. Remuneration.
10520 133 St. Ph. 85003. GIRL wanted to learn switchboard oneratlne ln small town. Good chance 'or advancement.
Box 1882 Journal. STENOGRAPHER, tor city of Ed- monton department. Must have typ-1 lng. shorthand, correspondence and I filing training. Apply Civic Employ ment Bureau.
Market Building. full-time wait" resses wanted Immediately. Good waes. Apply Parliament Coffee Shop. 9927 109 St.
DIETITIAN wanted for 125-bed hospital. Apply to J. Smith, Superintendent, Yorkton General Hospital, Yorkton. Sask. 3 Experienced WAITRESSES and 4 Cafe Experienced niKHWARHKBS Waitresses must be neat and clean.
822 clear. Apply ln person, 7105 104 Street. Frank ie's afe. HOUSEKEEPER for Invalid and husband. Town near Edmonton.
No objection one child. (60. 9720 87 Ave. Ph. 34824.
ENERAL office girl with bookkeeping and payroll experience. Ph. Shirley, 82068 around :301 LADY to take full charge of country home, school chlldieji, close in. Box 888 Journal. FARM help during harvest, cook, 885.
Ukrainian, Polish. Box 37 Vegre- viile 1 WAITRESS and 1 girl for Kitchen work, must be neat. Apply Pat's Lunch. 10715 82 Ave. amritiotts woman over art for rounded out by some ound business experience and De capable oi meeting and talking to business men of lare and smaii companies.
Box 1050 Jouml. MAN, aWfor-collection-work with large, long established Edmonton firm. A secure position. Box 1053 Journal. EXPERIENCED TAXI DRIVER WANTED Apply at Grey Line Taxi 9922 Jasper Ave.
Province of Manitoba Require Social Workers Male or female for Department of Health and Public Welfare (Public Wellare Division). Applicants should be graduates of a recognized school of social work The positions open are of a generalized social work nature Starting salary 12.316 per annum and recognition may be given for experience ln the Social Work field. Theer are good opportunities for promotion ar.d each position carries full Clivll Service benefits ot sick leave with pay, three weeks vacation with pav annually and pension privileges Written applications should be submitted, stating tull particulars of qualification, education, age, marital status and experience to Manitoba Civil Service Commission. 247 Legislative Building, Winnipeg. Manitoba.
JUST arrived from Copenhagen, fully qualified drafuman. architect and building upervisor with 20 years experierce. Excellent recommendations. Speak English fluently. What otters for a real capaole supervisor fnd building contractor.
Apply C. Brown. National E-no'oyment Office. Edmonton or Ph. 2881days.
OPTICAL, 1 surlacer and 1 edeer, required, experience desired but not necesaary. Kshn Optical Co. McFar-lznd Bldg. Ph. 41719.
YOUNG man. 21-25 for position in Fdmonton Bus Depot. Good wae scale, pension, group insurance, hospitalization. Apply ln person to the manager. Greyhound Bus Depot.
15 labourers for immediate construction work at country point ln Alberta. Good wages, plus room and board. Apply Sparling Davis Co. Ltd. 7310 99 St.
WANTED Journeyman tinsmith, experienced ln forced air heating. Anply Fort Hardware Co. Fort Saskatchewan. CLERKS, male and female. 81.295-81.668.
Dominion Government Departments. Edmonton. Full particulars on post-rs at Civil Service Commission, National Employment Service end Pot. O.ilcp. t.is therent.
should be fiied with the Civil Service Commission. 10118 10A Edmonton, as soon as pos sible. MAJOR OIL COMPANY requires as commission agent. Excellent location. Box 126 Journal.
GRADUATE DRUGGIST And Apprentice. City Drug stor. Replies confidential. Box 228, Journal. D8 TRACTOR AND SCRAPER OPERATORS 2 LABORERS Experienced on road building.
For Edmonton area. Ph. 82277, days 86709 evenings WANTED, man to stook 60 acres more or less. By the acres. l't miles north city limits.
Ph. 972-5441. WANTED. 2 experienced planer-men for B.C. and Alberta camps.
Apply C. Brown. National Employment. "EXPERIENCED short order cook. Apply in peiEOu Trocadero Coffee Shop.
WANTED: Pin setters. Male or female. Afternoon or evening work. Ph. 35618.
Scona Bowling Alieys. OPPORTUNITY awaits office boy! Excellent prospects for future advancement and training ln journalistic career. Apply Cltv Editor, The Journal. WANTED immediately, experienced miller for 125 bushel country flour mill. Reply Box 1883 Journal.
EXPERIENCED tile applicator. Top wages. Ph 24870, 9 to 5. MAN to learn tire and vulcanizing business. Permanent position to right party.
Apply Central Tire. 10163 99 St. 50 GRAVEL TRUCKS for Namaj airport haul. Steady work. Annlv Mnnix O'Sulllvan Paving Co.
Ltd. 604 Northern Hardware Building 104 St. Z2 Ave YOUNG man. 20 to 25 learn lumber and hardware 1 visitless. Good hours, good conditions, excellent future Should be good with figures.
Anpl' 631 Teller Bldg. NUMBER of men needed at once for city stle. Cood commission. Call 10319 airier Ave. Gn-yel Truck Wanted Running 2 shifts.
4 months work. JPh. 42974 Or23058. WANTED young energetic man. Like to sell? Like to travel? Like to learn photography? Applv Raflant Studios.
1012132 between 4-5. WANTED Immediately young man experienced 1.. handling transit and level. Apoiv giving particulars to Box 217 Journal. OPENING for young man ln electrical wholesale, to start ln warehouse.
5 oay state age education. Box il6Journal. REQUIRED irrmedlatelv 1 experi-enced cat operator Ph. Smith 73516. RUBBER FOOTWEAR SHIPPER Good opportunity for right man able to take charge and feet things done.
Only those interested in permanent emplovment are afked to contact H. It. Henderson Ltd. 10147 A 103 St. WANTED Immediately, storage tank welders.
Apply Universal Industries. Llovd minster. UNION block layers and laborers wanted. Ph. 72573 between 6 and 7.
GRADUATE pharmacist. Single preferred. Apply Brooks Pharmacy, Brooks. Alberta. WANTED Immediately, foreman for hlehwa- crew.
Stete qualifications. Box 188' Journal. LABORERS- wanted for work at he reitnery. B. and H.
Co. Ltd. 11614 Ave. AG'NTS WANTED (Ceirt'd) AGENTS to sell tailored to meaauri clothing direct from maker to wearer, Full or part time, good commissions. low prices Our snlendid value mate selling eaey Write tor samples sud 1 mi Dept.
Z. Box 413. Montreal. EXTRA MONEY FOR XMAS" 8'u "Canada's Finest' Chnstmaa Card Assortment Over 30 different items all new and beautiful. Amu.
ing values. No Increase in prices commissions. Write today ir Sr.mpie order on approval Very r. ln7 s. VTornnto' bt.
tat. 1 oronto. MEN Ladies. Bo v. and Glrla la.
oraers lor Cnrutmu carta. Liberal commission. Le.aruc Carom. It tr. Jasper Ave.
EARN EXTRA MONEY You can Increase vour weekly Income $25 and more. Take oraers for Priendiv Chrlftmas Cards. Sample book supplied free. Everyone In business and the profe.ions is a prospect as well as Inencis and neighbors. Jut thow the sample to peorue vou know and come contnet with each day.
Start now Represent a reliable established company. Write lor detaila. Fner.dlv Greeting! Company. Portage at Sirathcona. Winnipeg.
Agent wanted in all cities and towns. TEACHERS WANTED 2jf CLOVEI; Bar School Division require a teache- for Deep Creek School, miles from Bruderheim and one for graces una 6 in the Minisuk School at South Cooking Lake. Submit tocetber with copies of recent lnsoertors reoort to C. E. Bowher.
10426 81 or Pn. 3S1167 for Interview with Supfc, J. C. Jouason. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCHOOL DIV.
NO. 15 Application will front teachers for the followin cchnols: Sleepy Valley: 6 miles from Bineley PO. A jout 18 pupils. Bonus of over s-h'dule. bo-11ne hO''e.
Glacier: 18 miles south west frora Rocky Mtn. House. 20 pupils. Furnished teacherage. Bonus ot $150 over schedule Clear Creek :1 mile from Butte PO.
About 30 pupils in 7 grade, good bearding house Pine View: About 10 miles north School. 12 mi'es W. of oks. GriCes I to 5. 16 ptim's.
Rlmty-y School. 1 gn-v 7 teacher. L. G. Saunders.
"STURGEON School Divi. ionre-quires teacher for sood school, 22 pupils, teacheraee and gara? available. 30 mile from Edmonton on ood road. Applv with references R. J.
6cott. Superintendent. 11338 73 Edmonton. Ph. 390532.
IT ACHEPS are wanteTf or theToN lowint choice rural schools: 1. Telegraph eleven miles north of Clandomld. Teacherage. Seven pupils. 2.
North Home eleven miles north of Dewberry. Good boarding place, 20 pupils. 3. Kinella four miles south of 3 mi'es from pavement. Gooi boarrlin" nlace.
9 oupll5. Apply VerrrlHon School Dlvtpion No. "r5." Vermilion. Al'jcrta. Jir.CKZP.
CTtETX SchonTCiy'lsinn No. 29 still needs a tacher for Butt" school, 20 miles forth of pincher on the Wat-rton Pr Hi-hrav. Enrolment 14. Good, wll 2-room port oilice and service stations nra'v. A teicher or sfnervlsor for Olia Creek School.
17 miles north of Cow-lev. Enni'ment 5. Bo: rd l', Salary lor 1 year training 400. Supervisors. $j-6 per day.
Anpl James A. Mi'lCav. Siiwrintenent of Pincher Creek. Alberta MEDICINE HAT School Division No. 4 requires seteral teachers for ruial schools commencing immedlntelv.
Basic salarv 81.675 with increment for experience and training: also Isolation bonuses up to 8200. Apply to 147 Sixth St. Medicine Hat. Snirit River School Division requires teachers or supervisors for tha following points: Deep Vallrv. Heart Valley.
Codesa. Watmo and Senior room at Bonanza. Ad-iress all aDpllctions to R. S. Veas-.
Secretarv Treasurer Spirit liver S-'iorl Division No. 47, Spirit River. A'berta. FEMALE SITW ANTED (24)" BOOKKEEPER 8 years experienced complete set. Suite 21, 10C13 97 Ave.
EXPERIENCED lady would like cookms or running small cofiee shop. Box 243 Journal. LMJ you neea a sienon-aoner iur an hour. day. or week? Phone Marga Allen.
24769. YOUNG woman with youngster wm Keep house while mother work or motherless home. Ph. 75395. LUL11111 Ittuy, jijvc niiiiwnv ni.j kind job that pays well ln city.
Cojd worker, good plain cook. Would cook, crew, cookcar or housekeep storekeeper State wage and duties lnl first letter. Box 1S09 Journal. WIDOW forties, young and smart anpearance like lob. Receptionist st.ioio filing or what hav you? nice persona'ity with nuD'U.
ilo.iest. diplomatic and aopentab'e Vary basis. Box 220, Journsl. MOTHER with 2 children desires position is housekeeper ln respectable home. Li, in.
Box 910. Journal. EXPKRlLNt woman will do housrworii. 6 hourly. Box 905 Journal.
DESIRE position as iline clerk and general office work. 4 years experience. Ph. 390477. EXPERIENCED dental, nurse and tvpist.
anxious to obtain position In nice office where salary commensurate with honest effort and interest In work. Kew ln city. References. Box 10 Journal. 'YOUNG- mother.
3 children seeks housework in exchange for home, board. Bor 834. Journal. EXPERIENCED stencxtrapher. will ta'ce In tvplng.
Ph. 72753 RECEPTIONIST, bookkeeper, cashier, requires position.12;i6123 St. WILL baby sit day. ni-rht, except Sundays. Sox 179 Journal.
MALE SITS. WANTED (25) i -TON truck and driver for hire" Ph. 27816. WANTED, work as watchman. Near citv or refinery.
10636 82 St. POSITION wanted as hotel clerk, cashier, assistant timekeeper or caretaker by man. Speak English and French. Good references. Box 927 Journal.
MANAGER. New car. First class mechanics license. Position. Ph.
83001. ACCOUNTANT many years' experience, iiuoine luce, prcparrd to io a fe rtii Loos or audit and make tir incime tax returns. Box 9(a JouriK.i MIDDLE-AGFD man. wide expt-rl- Qx su Journal. EXPERIENCED.
married farmer i5hes ta manaze. share basis or wazes on mixed farm (no dairyi. near Edmonton If possible. Perma- nent jo0 Box 893 Journal. trivel- in dtyTBox 895 Journal, Dtr YOUTH desire.
full time lob. Ph. 85278. cabinet making preferred. HOTEL manager.
25 years experi- -nCe in leading U.S. and hotels. Excellent reference Box 869 Journal. DRAFTSMAN requires position. 4 years' expenencee and corr.mer- clnl trt.
Box 887 JournLl YOUTH "2. a-inrentice in cutting des'tnint or handling material. Ph. 34 11-' MARRI1TD man wishes Job on farm, yearly emplovment: consider running iarni oil shares, reierences If required. Fully experienced with machinery.
StOCk weler Amis. A.oerta PH Wilfl Hiifhfnfijin CARPENTER, cabinets alteration. basem*nt finish verandah, rtc Pn 21639. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGt fOR PROMPT WANT AD SERVICE LOST aaa FOUND 6) 825 reward lor Information lending to recovery of carpenter tool lost from green 1938 Ford sedan by Straihcona Hotel, Thursday night between m. Only mcins of livelyhood for rking man children.
Ph. 74369. LOST: Monday, Golon Labrador retriever female 10 month old. answer 'to Lou. Finder please advise tM Cameron fit.
City. LOST: lady's Louginr wristwatcb, black cord band. Ph. 77279. Hear.
LOST, strayed, from 101)15 198 St, mall, siceU. Krey in a 1 cat, -CookieKewsrd. Ph. 8579a. WIX)fT: Girl's C.C.M.
bicycle. Victoria High. Wednesday night. Keward. Ph.
Joan Gililf. 73521 local O. LOST: Uouole strand of pearls Thursday Between Hudson Bay and Masonic Temple. Ph. 7U810.
LOST Little girl'a cream, maroon Sunshine tricycle. Thursday. Vicinity King Edward Park. Please Ph. 37931.
LOcT Golden" co*cker Spaniel, male. Answers "Flip Ph. 28069. LOST: Smr.li black female dog. brown trad a4 legs, hear Del tun school.
Answers Honey. Please Pn. 74451. Retaid. REW ARD Lost in or nei-r Hudson Bay Store iiet.
t.oiitaiinz mv total savings, finder pUe return to P. Hawkes and receive fyj Tewi.ru. rn. LOST: Satuiday Lady's black purse. Return 1C" 58 8 Ave.
Reward. LOST brown striped, half grown kitten. female. spayed. "Scoot, Diar.ne pet Reward 8542 78 Ave.
LUST white English setter with brown paten over eye. Very thin. On special diet. Reward. Ph8l833.
PERSON AL (7) Why grow gray hair? Grow them natural color with NEVER-GRAY Distributing Centres: 9914 102 llOlo 127 7121 112 Ave. CARE for "child, working couple. End. Box 234 Journal. YOUNG mother would like good home for 1-year-old boy or both.
ALCOHOL. Are you having trouble from this and you want to do something about it? 11 so. write Alcoholic Anonymous. 9823 108 Edmonton or Ph. 22764.
"RAGS WANTED Wt pay rash and collect. PlL27B19 LONELYGet acquainted. Hundreds of ladles and gentlemen every province, all aea. many with means. Widows with tarms and city property.
Housekeepers, city and country girii. Free, particulars, testimonials Western Social Club Sub. P.O. 23. Edmonton.
Aita. SKAKAN HEALTH CLINIC Dr D. Skakan. Naturopath, 8223 104 St, 82 Ave Geneial practice in Edmonton for appointment Ph. 890459.
9 a.m.-5 p.m Treats human diseases, rheumatism artn- ni i hinh blood ur.kure. sciatica. high blood prsure. sciatica. iumhapo.
heart rouoie, 1WU.IH.U, i k.rtiiev. blauder. var.cose Hirers exzema pa. inM.13, etc "Deayton's' Photo Studios i Secmlixe In I Wedding and Family Pictures window display at 9731 Jasper Ave. Ph.
21213 Get Acquainted. Marry Hundreds of members, both Many with means. Widows with farms or city property. City and Country girls Many farmers- Daughters. Particulars tree, in plain sealed envelope.
Canadian Correspondence ClubBox 128. Calgary, Alberta. RonEon lighter repairs JORDAN'S STAR RADIO 10611 Jasper Ave. WOMAN desires sincere male friend preferably widower with steady position and some mejns. Motrin .1 later if desired.
Give full Information ot yourself urst letter. Journal. Box 1505 SECRETARY! The odds are about 70 to 1 against a aecretarv marrying her boss, but you never have to defy the odds when von dial 391038 for VENETIAN BLIND CLEANERS. You know you can always depend on their fast efficient service. COMFORTEX, scientifically constructed ranliarv comfortable and odorless.
2 years suppiv, belt and case. 83.69. Call 304, 10014 102A Ave. Ph. 26219.
POSTAGE stamp collections wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Harry Weiss 5615 Monkland Ave, Montreal 28. MARRIAGE Welfare Specialist, no connection cluo system. 44 years experience, over 6.000 client married.
Including many socially and financially prominent persons, arranges ilect. confidential, approved Introductions. Consult me by mail. Chas. Simmons, Dept.
E. Box 71. Dickens P.O.. Winnipeg. ALTERATIONS, suits and shirt mae to nifisurc.
Styie Centre, 10144 101 St. Ph. 20474. Anyone Knowing wjci-eaoouts, address of Steven Zachary or Zach.iry Steven working In oil business, notify Box 1886 Journal. Very urent CKINES2 HERBALIST LOUIS LOWON 9664 Jasper Ave.
Specialist ln Boiis Trouble. Rich Double Kerb for gas in stomach, nature's herbs for susar diabetes, rheumatic pain, lumbago, neuritis, bone ache. -bladder trouble, pile. Ph. 23270.
3 DAY service on re-stringing of rtaria and Bnsiis. Ph. 25651 for estimates. Ferd Nadon. Jeweler Watchmaker.
10115 102 Street The Comptometer School Operated 1-V FSXT TARRANT Ltd. 412 Northern Hardware Bids. Ph. 25507 BEAUTY par'or for sale. Reasonable.
Reason, health. Well equipped. Lease. Box 684 Joirr.al. WOULD" the former Kay Carlton plrase ccntact Mrs.
J. A. MacDougall. Ph. 330165.
HAVE vour windows Tit' 'ted now. Floors waxed. Office Janitor work done. Ph. 25593, Maple Leaf Con- tractors.
WANTED men and women, 21 to 30. to tr- ln as inrurtors of ballroom dancing. Apply ln person at Dior Studios, between -O ajn. and 6 pm. only, 10154 103 6t, opposite Troc.
WANTED, home and care for 6-weeks-old baby. Please write In first letter salary wanted. Box 67 Journal. WIDOW, 20. 2 children, needs help.
Can you make her a lon! Box 872 Journal. COMF OKTEX, a scientifically contracted sanitary pad, hizaly absorbent, comfortable and odorless. 2 years supply, bc.t and car-, $3.61. Call 304. 10014 102A Ave.
Ph. 2G213. RENE. Edmonton Cla.rvcvant, Mail readings. Scv.d questions.
81 6tamp. Beverly Koiel, Victoria. B.C. LIFB INSUHAKCE." Get yours at the lo 01, una Phone 84625 for particulars 39, good job, car wte-. 1 la lor companionship.
Box 832 Journal. insurance Good even O- a wild goc chase, w. u. v. luiin LTD.
Ph. i4107 RIESS FUMIGATORS A complete guaranteed pest control service. Call for estimates, supplies or Information. Rear 9302 111 Ph. 74952.
RENT an amplifier for that party 'or picnic. Call Couves Radio Ltd. Ph. 24727. 41837.
HARMONY HOUSE Vnrmirl. (imir'i Recordings Visit our new. modpru. souna-proof studio. We record everything 10918 88 Ave South Fnd of the High Level Bridge.
Ph. 391010. Evenings. iJJ42 ECZEMA. Itch.
t-(les. rosh. dardruff pimples. Try TEENJORS Chinese Ointment Thousands satisfied. H.B.
Co. Eaton's. Woodward's WETrENT: Clcctric cement mixers. Irons, sewing machines, vacuums. polishers, -atiior.
relncerators. pon- 1 lun oi Kitcnen. moorn eaie Clote to Edmonton. Box C23 Journal. AGRICULTURAL editor winter lor leading farm newspap- Ntw-spaner experience and agricultural decrees desirable but not Uet.v stating full particulars to Pox 1851 Journal.
WANTED plasterer to give price for stuccoing 5 house. Apply 10540 11 St. HELP INSTRUCTIONAL (20) JACOBS WELDING ENGINEERING SCHOOL 10426 95 St. or Phu6770 25336 LEARN Barberlng. clean, year-round trade.
More vacancies than we can fill. Write or call. MOLER BARBER SCHOOL 6685 Jasper Ave, Ph. 41993 LEARN Halrdre.sf lr.g, in one of Interesting. well paid proleae.on More vacancies than we can fill.
Pail and winter Classes now commencing, write or call Marvel Harare g. Schools 10114 Jasper Ph. i7234. CHICAG VOCATIONAL TRAINING CORP LIMiIlD 12520 10 Ave.iue. Luinonton Phone 84UDI or 86121 Frre lesion and inlormatioii on Diesel Engineering.
Auto Mechanics. Welding. Refrigeration. Air CoualUoning. Aircraft t.htut Metai You can get no belter training any where in tne world than vou can right nere in camonioil.
Practical and Home Study Classes SALESMEN WANTED (21) ESTABLISHED BROKERAGE Corporation requires two men capable of producing sales for extremely good oil share issue now drilling and assured of production. Men with executive ability have prospects for senloritv when result Justify. Box 238. Journal. THERE are hundreds of unmark' graves ln your district.
Send for monument agency. ox 1314 Journal. MEN wanted in evcry city. Sell De-ter Weatherproof shoes. Wonderful values.
Complete line for Jien and women. Free seilng outfit, uexicr Shoe Company. Montreal. SALESMEN Real Estate salesman, cood charac ter, personally, bondabie, prestntuble car e5sentlai Grand opportunity to supervise long established Real i Esiate business. Must be "Go-getter" i both in country and cltv sales.
Pref- I erably well experienced. Give full) details ln confidence first letter, inter- view arranged for all applicants. Box 906 Journal I ATTENTION Experieced Salesmen Only Promotion in old established organisation leaves opening in our staff. If you are enerpetic with pleasing personality and wishing to earn good money with a permanent caret r. write particulars.
Box 232 JournaL Can You Qualify? for a most unusual opportti'iit selling a nationally known product of Canada. Our average commission p. nuui. in other provinces exceeds. 8600 per month.
We are now opening our offices in Edmoiton. We need salesmen v.ith a car. who are looking for a peasant position with a real future. See O. V.
Rondal. Airlines Hotel, Monday only, lO ajn. to2p.m. Are You Satisfied? We need a livewire salesman to travel Red Deer. Edmonton and local vicinttv.
Car essential, age 25 to 35 years, heat appearance. Must have desire and ability to earn 8500 a month and up. Straight commission. Don't applv unless you have experience In direct spies such as Insurance, books, cook ware, oil stock etc. Write or call Dick Cornelius for personal interview care of Shamrock Hotel.
11810 Jasper Ave. Ph. 84813. AMERICAN ORGANIZATION Requires 2 or 3 sa'esmen between the es of 25-35 for direct selling. Must have cars.
Men who will work can earn un to 81.000 a month. PH. 37522 For appointment HOTEL-and Restaurant Supplies Alberta. Territory. Red Deer North.
This is an excellent opportunity i become connected with one of the largest and most progressive Wholesale Organizations in Canada. Apply ln own handwriting. Box 896 Journal. SMALLV'ARE" men to handle Hand Made Crvstal Glass line. Novelties iiuii.
Steady for conscientious. bar. profit sharing scheme underway capable men. Anply Barry Sheet Metal Co. Ltd.
Fsjbllshed 39 vears. 10171 98 St Edmonton. WANTED Experienced oerson to operate dry cleaners Living quarters-supplied. Per'entast basis. Real oocr-tunity fo' the right partv.
Phone Zane Umrvsi- at 20145 days and evennes. YOUNG MAN TO TRAIN for Varietv Store management. Senior matriculation None need apply who are not willing to applv themselves. Excellent opportunity within reach of men willing to work for it. Box856 Journal.
YOUNG man, single, to work ln office and learn instrumentation control business. Mechanical and electrical background an advantage, and must be interested ln dealing with the public. Reply ln own handwriting giving all particulars and salary expected. Box 204 Journal. EXPERIENCED cabinet workers! Apply shop foreman, Bamgan Wood-wares.
109St! YOUNG man for doorman ln suburban theatre, evenings Including Saturday afternoons. References required. Bor 205 Journal. operar lrer "ASS. steam fitter Applv North West! Plumbing 10839 124 St.
YOUNG man to manage branch office for internationally known fooc manufacturer. Experience ln credit and accounting worl: nece-f ry. Good i salary. 5 day week. Pcpplon pirn.
er.c. Give all particulars ln reply. Box 2:3 Journal. MINERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY for contract work. Good working conditions.
Alexco Coal Co. Alexo, Alberta. INSPECTOR Man 19-30. branch office, large credit inspection companv. High School graduate or better.
Knowl-dtie of typing an asset. Salarv, bonus. car allowance, group Insurance, pen- i I sion. Promotion bv merit only. Our stall nas neen notmea, lull particulars.
Box 212 Journal. AMBITIOUS salesman required by manufacturer's agent to cover automotive jobbers. Salarv. bonus and travelling expenses. Experience desirable, car essential.
Box 1871 Journal. WILL require timekeeper for bush and sawmill camp. Duties to commence November 1. Prefer single man. Reply ln own handwriting stating experience and references.
Box 1870 Journal. Wanted Immediately Journeyman piumwr. ana swamiiixers write or Heating. Peace River. Alberta.
2 EXPERIENCED truck drivers on gravel haul. Box 37 Vegrevllle. Account Collector Salarv 8187 Pius Railway Transportation Vacations With Pay Collective Bargaining Pension Plan Requirements 30 w.p.m. touch typing, minimum 10. Applicant 'required to ride own bicycle.
Canadian National Telegraphs East Wing C.N.R. Depot MAN experienced In store wanted immediately. Good wages. 2 room cabin svailaole. H.
Hilicrest Grocery. Red Deer. WANTED Immediately, several experienced scraper operators. Phone 283 or 379 Wetaskiwin. or R315 Ponoka.
CHARTER ED accountant's office requires students for articling with senior matriculation. Kindlv apply in own handwriting toBox199 Journal. BARBER wanted Cecil Barber Shop. Best working conditions. Street floor.
MAN with radio knowledge lor work on Juke boxes. 10243 96 St. Pharmacist Wanted Well established business Must be hockev plaver o. Intermediate A cf li-bre and willing to play. Reply wUh references.
Box 1867 Journal. 2 BODYMEN. Top" wages. Monarch Auto Body. 10971 98 St.
SINGLE man for stock farm. Living quarters supplied. Apply 7204 118 between 5 and 6 p.m. WANTED: 2 men. steady employment as handy men.
in city funeral home. Must be reliable, thorough and neat, also must be able to drive cars. Apply Box 195 Journal. WANTED immediatelv. 2 cement laborers.
Experienced with sidewalks and floors. Steady work. 81.25 per hour. Ph. 75657.
DELIVERY boy wanted with bike. South Side. Ph. 31024. CONSTRUCTION laborers.
44-hour week. 81.05 er hour. Apply. Dominion Construction Co. Ltd.
Field office. 11WI7 112 Ave. WANTED DRIVER Tor florist dc'iverv, neat appearing, qualified, chaui.eur. Sieadv employment Annlv person. AMBY LEN0N FLORIST 034S- Jasper Ave.
MECHANICALLY Inclined young man to install stokers and apprentice in sheet metal. Ph. 972-7112. BARBER wanted, steady Job. Country town, close to city.
Apply W. J. Dixon. Calmar. Alt.
WANTED all dav delivery boy with bicycle. Good wages. Apply 10137 124 St. WANTED 50 journeymen carpenters and 50 construction labourers. Board and room available.
Apply 'v. wens MtaC. Sal Walnwrht' -i, Wn for LEADS and good territory open for sales and service work. Profitable Excellent references required. Anpll-work.
Box 1879 Journal. leant hired will be given thorough University VETERAN tion to Toronto. J. B. Lawrence.
C. Well Pavilion, University Hospital. WILL share expenses, driving with someone heading Winnipeg. Ph. 85073.
EDUCATIONAL DRESSMAKERS (11) 6CHOOL Dress "making, designing. Mrs Johnstone Unique Horn Industrie 9935-87 Ave. Ph. 83379 LEARN dressmaklng. day and evening classes.
Academy of Useful Arts, 10329 101 upstairs. Ph. 24707. DRESSMAKING Alteration. Repairs.
Reasonable. 10363-145 St. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and fur repairing. 11723 91 St. Phone 74031.
XPRT nrcssrr.ailn. mens shirts ana alterations rn. jjiii aiier o. FEMALE HELP WANTED (161 OFFICE girl, eeneral office duties, some typing. Khn Ontlcal Co.
Mac-Frrlrnd Ph. 41719. TAXI "drivers. Full or part time. We vylll train vou.
Apply between 2-7 p.m.. Aero Taxi. 11046 101 St. TYPIST and secretary required for securities corporation. Good shorthand essential.
Nice position for competent young lady enthusiastic enough to seize good opportunity lor future advancement. Salary 8150 to commence. Box 239 Journal. KITCHEN help wanted, part tlmeT Married woman preferred. 6815 118 Avenue.
WAITRESS wanted. Good hoursT Good wages. Must be clean and neat appearing. Apply In person. 8815 118 Ave.
OFFICE clerk. 18-22 by branch office of International firm. Good prospect for ambitious girl. Box 240 Jorrnal. CAPABLE girl or woman for house keeping in nice Dome, tn 11238 73 Ave.
37135 WOMAN for light housework wanted. No cooking. Ph. 22206. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Garneau Theatre Coffee Shop.
Ph 33125. EXPERIENCED Payroll Clerk Wanted Immediately. Apply In person, Monday a.m. to New Method Laundry Ltd. MOTHERLY woman to care for 1 year and a half old child while mother works.
Ph. 33757. between 6-8. MAID wanted for adult, must be able to cook. Wages 875 per month.
Ph. 83332. LEDGER posting machine operator required at once. Some experience preferred but not necessary. Banking training helpful.
Excellent wonting conditions, hospitalisation, group insurance, etc. Apply Box 931 Journpl. tCHOOL girl, working woman or girl, help with housework, room and board, remuneration. Ph. 83345.
RELIABLE maid forhousekccpins. 3 adult. Sleep out. Good wases and permanent to suitable applicant. Phone 74127.
10893 74 St. EXPERIENCED CObl Needed at Misericordla Hofpltal Reliable Girl Woman for Housekeeping. 2 adults, -good wages, nice home, no children. Permanent position to suitable applicant Ph. 81760.
24 Leamington Apt. SMALL Insurance office requires girl for secretarial work and policy writing. Thee years experience with principal forms a minimum to qualify. Salary much above usual. Box 77.
Prince George. B.tX PROFESSIONAL nurses wanted, rotating shifts. 44 hour week, 6230 a month, temporary housing available. Apply director of nursing. Hospital, Great Falls Montana.
Wanted Immediately Experienced stenographer." Le experience preferred. APPLY BOX 917 JOURNAL EXPERIENCED retoucher wanted. Deayton Studio, 8731 Jasoer Ave. GENERAL office clerk with some typing experience preferred for heavy Industrial equipment dealer. Bgx 233 Journal.
GIRL housework. No cooking, no smell children. 10233 122 St. WANTED: shirt presser for auto- mstlc shirt machines. Experienced otlr need apply.
Shirt Service Ltd. 10753 Ave. Cco*k wanted Immed.ately Ph. 20518. LADIES in Northern Alberta.
Earn an horr demonstrating personal Write or apply 304 10014 102 Ave. housekeoner for motiern farm heme. Close ln. 2 adults, 1 child. Box 923 Journal.
PLFA3AVT ladv for cook men. nir 11 ocara ana room. 1 ica.e Plate nuu Write Geo. Langevln. Porioka.
Alberta. CAPABLE person liking children for housekeeper. Good wages and living conditions. All modern conveniences. 10111J37 Street.
Ph. 83508, WANTED school girl or woman, to work in exchange for board and room. No washing or Ironing. Com panion for elderly woman, 992 113 St. Ph.
Wanted Immediately Experienced salesladies for part- time employment. Personal Interview onlv 10 a m. to 11 a.m. N. H.
wo" LTD. 10117 101 St. SCHOOL -or room and board, new apartment, on bu'l'ne Pjh.i"l,6S'': WANTED i 1 stenographer, I WOMAN-forhouseworlTVJnfam; I near two to cook for. Box 886 Journal. WILL give school girl room and board ln retut for lleht household duties.
Close tJ Westglen High School. Ph. e3342. 103O4 123 St. WANTED: Lady to look after school-age child while mother works.
Vicinity Alex Taylor School. Box 874 Journal. YOUNG lady, for general Insurance office, knowledge of typing required, good opportunity, permanent position right person. Apply Box 202 Journal. FRY-cook for Saturday nights and Sundays.
Part time. 10906 97 St. Pa. 42665. WAITRESS wanted from 12 mid-nigh CoffeeShop.
Experienced Stenographer REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY REPLY TO Box 201 Journal EXPERIENCED counter girl wantcdT Apply Mickey a Coffee Shop, Bus Depot WANTED for September 28. Graduate nurse for general duty. Salary 8160 per w.ih full maintenance. 3 weeks bolidav with pav after 1 year's "ervlc' Comfortable Nurses' Home on hospital grounds. Apply, stating qualiiications, to The Secretary Treasurer.
Little Bow Municipal Hospital. No. 25. Carmangay.Alberta. WANTED, kihen helper.
Phone St. Stephen's College, 34409. GIRL or woman wanted immedl- ately for cooking ln small country I hotel. Plain cooking. Good wages.
TLlm SALESLADIES 2 reliable experienced ladies' ready to wear salesladies wanted. Boi salpries and workine condition. Anply Betty Lou Ladies' Apparel 10127-102 St. GIRL or woman for general housework. Sleep in.
Ph. 24582. alter 6 82869. HOUSEWIVES Need extra money these days? Wa have a part time IB-come plan to help you. Reliable, neat-appearing mothers of school age children can qualify.
Write Box 1038 Journal. X-RAY' TECHNICIAN Latest equipment, apply' to The Medical Centre. Settler. Alberta. GIRL for light lunch and confectionery Friday nights and Sunday.
8815 92 St. GRADUATE NURSE Wanted for' general duty ln small hosnital with separate residence, and maintenance supplied. Apply stating age. experience, training arid salary expected to Secretary or Matron. Islay Municipal Hospital.
Islay. Alberta. COUPLE for small cltv cafe. I waitress and handyman. Board and I room supplied.
Box 187 Journal. TU.TI irr.riii.l- mi-M. tr-1 Tl rT r5enPral for neWi fuIiv modern 20 bed hospital. Salary 8140. with full maintenance.
8120 bonus is given after one vear of service. Straight and gift are. Liberal commission. I with salary, box journal. State territory now covered.
MAN, 39 years, wishes work. Hours A1.TAGLAT.S Bex 672 Medicine Hat. 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. Box 932 Journal.
Aiberta. chimneys and furnace EXCELLENT opportunity for ambl- Vacuumed cleaned Ph. 75827 tlous young man 25-35 yvars of ef. -tX-CON-EACTOK and cSXni? P'- proviriec'. pension and prospects.
Re ply, eaucauoa. experience and salary bracket lo Box 1877 Journal. AGENTS WANTED (221 SALESMEN -SALESWOMEN! Sensa tional money-maker selling guaran- enCe. wants position. bookecper.
sec-teed electric stoves. Large commis- i retarv. office manager, cl.rical work-stons. Fast sales. Send for free kit.
J. er Entertain any reasonable ofier. IT'S EASY TO' USE JOURNAL WANT ADS Follow the simple Instructions below, order bv Mall bv Phone or briciT vot'- art In to The Journal. TO ESTIMATE THE COST OP YOUR WANT AD Count the total number of words In the copv including name, address or box number: then refer to rate churt below The following are equal to one word: an Initial, ao abbreviation: a group of five or less numbers or letters printed as a unit Hvnhenated words count as two Box numbers count as three EXAMPLES: 1 1935-95 A St. 13 R.R.I 1 word): J.
W. Smith (3 TD8 (1 word Words LlnesJ 1 Day I 4 Days I 7 Days I 30 Days 'Minimum I 2 I .50 I 1.68 I a.66 I 10.80 "ll-lS 3 .66 2.52 3.99 16.20 1 6-20 .83 I 3 .36 I 5.32 2 1 .60 21-25 I L10 I 4.20 6.65 27.00 26-30 I 132 8.04 I 7.98 I 32.40 231-35 7 1.54 5.88 I 9 31 I 37.80 36-40 8 I 1.76 6 73 I 10 64 I 43.20 "41-45 9 I 1.98 7.56 I 1197 I 48.60 "46-50 10 I 3 20 I 8 40 I 13.30 64.00 'ess time. SeU Wmi of tra hle earniES. mus direct to consumer watches, tis. rem- security for future Pension plan.
I nants. jewelry, etc. at ridiculously sickuecs and ac-ldent and other bene- low prices. No money required. Can ana Appliances, ii ivnis Hamilton.
GET into the big money end of tailoring field with Drew and Little: the maoe-to-measure line that pays vou big profits and gives your cus- tomers real satisfaction. Easy sales. Big earnings. Lioerai suit oner aim a tested Sales plan that assures sue cess even for beginners. Money -mak- H(f once'Ept.
lot. DrVw and Little. P.O. Box 156. Montreal, Quebec.
also De none in your spare iime. ri -e catalogue by return mall. Reg 7j Napoleon St, Montreal, 3 EARN EXTRA CAbH Make more money easily In spare time. Just show our beautiful Christmas r-ArciK lit vour friends. Thev tell XIanw lx find oeauuiui line oi rriN'uai mms.
Pprgoull Aibum rd i samples on approval. It's easv! Its 'fun' It's profitable. Write tndav! Douglas Greeting Card Lo, u-ab Bleecker El, Toronto. fit as well as citniiied work. Suoer- visor will interview vou personally, ApDlv stating experierice and present twition.
All strictly confi- dential. Box 1051 COUPLE to manage modern urban fan. Must have best of reference. Apply National Employment Service order No. 13C674 cniriwi n'antMl Immediately Certified Welders Wanted immediately rJr5rriir IVianuiat-lUi iy v.iJ.
13151-97 St. Ph. 74563 ANNOUNCEMENTS Birth. Death and Funeral Notices. Engagement and Weddtns Announcements.
In Memoriams and Cards of Thanks up to 10 lines 8200. each additional line 16c BOX NUMBERS When used count as 3 words. Cast of mailing box replies. 15c it is advisable to use name address and phone number for better results CORP.ECTIONS Should be made before the second Insertion. Allowance can be made only for one incorrect Insertion.
Contract Kates arranged on application All ads restricted to proper classification. The Journal will appreciate having ltx attention drawn to any advertisem*nt not conforming to the highest standards of PH 29331. ADDRESS: THE JOURNAL, EDMONTON able weed spraver. typewriters. Ph.
Permanent position with established eight hour shift. Close to Edmonton. 31t05 1 company Applv In own handwrlt- For further information, please applv ODD JOBS UNLIMITED: Reglazlng. I Bor 223 Journal. to Sum of Tof ieid Municipal Hos- floor polishing, fence building, ce- MOTHER'S helper needed.
Richie pltl. Tofield.Alta. tnent sidewalks earaee floors. Ph. district.
Good liome. remuneration. WAITRESS wanted for Sly a Cof-fVy Pis. 374A1L tee Shop, iiighest wage..